How to Raise Your Kids in the Faith

The church is here to help you do this

Raising your kids in the faith is one of the primary responsibilities parents have. The church is not reponsible for raising your kids in the faith but is here to help you do this. Here are some things to consider as you navigate the faith journey of your kids.

  1. The best way to teach your kids the faith is to live out your faith so they can see you do it. Being a part of a Growth Group is a great way to model the faith for your kids. Going to church to hear the Gospel, reading scripture and praying daily are what you should be modeling for your child. You can do these things with your kids and let them see you doing them as well.
  2. Don't be afraid to show your failures, doubts and questions. Kids need to see that the Christian jouney can be difficult at times. Having doubts and questions is normal. It can even be healthy if you are seeking out the answers. Faith formation (for you and your kids) is a process and a journey, with ups and downs. Let your child know they can have questions about God and faith.
  3. Have faith conversations regularly. Use opportunities to bring God into the conversation. For example, If your child is struggling with something, remind them God is with them and that you guys are going to pray 'right now'. If your child is struggling with someone at school you can talk about how Jesus would respond in that situation. If your child makes a mistake that is a sin, talk to them about the forgiveness we have in Jesus.
  4. Make church and Youth Programming a priority. The more other people get involved in your child's faith development, the stronger they will be. You also want to be active in the church and get to know other members. There will be a time when your kids listen to others and not you. Having a good church community to help is invaluable. At the same time, you can be the one who helps another child in their faith. It really does take a community.
  5. Most important is to pray. Many parents pray for their kids' health and safety. We want to also encourage you to pray for your child's faith.

If you want more help and ideas, please reach out to our DCE, Noel Fairchild.

Deuteronomy 6:5-7: You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.