Church Council

Business Board of the church

The Church Council consists of a President, Vice President, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Secretary and three at large positions. Church members hold these positions and serve the church by representing the church at our monthly meetings. We meet the second Tuesday of the month from 6pm to 7pm. We meet about 10 months of the year- we usually have a few months we don't meet.

The meetings consist of quick reviews of the various ministries, a report on the facilities and financial reports. The Council helps the ministries of the church by resourcing them. This means budget is often talked about.

A perfect candidate is someone who likes to work with others and is willing to to help their church and serve the kingdom of God.

Terms are two years and you can run for two terms. If we can't find someone to take the position, the person who is termed out can continue in that position.

Currently, we will have three openings starting in June:

Secretary: The secretary takes notes of all business meetings to keep record of decisions and discussions. This person should be a good note taker- either with a computer or a notepad.

At Large Positions (3 two year terms position. One of the three would be the second term of a two term position). This person attends the meetings, listens, gives input and with others, guidance on various decisions.

If you are interested or just have questions, please fill out the form below.