
Confirmation is a public rite of the Church preceded by a two-year period of instruction.

Luther’s Small Catechism

We teach about the Six Chief Parts

10 Commandments

Lord’s Prayer

The Creed

Lord’s Supper

Holy Baptism

Confession/Office of the Keys

What We Do

Our program involves parents in the process.  Martin Luther wrote the Small Catechism as a way for “the head of the family should teach them in a simple way to his household.”  We as the church would like to partner with families to teach the basics of Christianity.   We do this through engaging curriculum, music, games, skits, homework and memorization.  We look at Confirmation as a Faith Milestone in a child’s faith walk and not a graduation to get through.

Our next program will begin in the Fall of 2024. Target Confirmation Sunday is Palm Sunday of 2026.

Small Group including Parents

Sunday Mornings & Small Groups

Sunday Mornings

Fellowship Hall @ 9:15 am

Student Workbooks Provided

Students bring BIBLE for highlighting

Fun & Engaging

Small Groups

Fall, Winter & Spring

6 weeks

Parents Attend & Students help Lead

Worksheet Done Before Group

Would you like more information?

Class of 2023
Class of 2019
Class of 2016