Weekly Announcements

Announcements for the week of October 20th.

Preschool Prayer Program

The preschool's mission is to share the love of Jesus with the children and their families. We are launching a new program to help merge preschool families with our congregation. Click on the link for more information and to sign up to participate in The Preschool Prayer Program!


OKTOBERFEST Is Next Week!!! 

Oktoberfest is Sunday, October 27. It is also Reformation Sunday. We will have one service this day- 10am and it will be in the sanctuary. We look forward to having the preschool kids sing during the service. The Oktoberfest celebration will be from 11am-1pm. It is crucial that we have people who are willing to come and help set up on Saturday, help during the event and clean up following the event. We need volunteers for Saturday decorating, Potato Peeling, help during the event (setting out and replenishing food) and Cleanup on Sunday!! Many hands makes for light work! Please sign up below.

Adult Ed Schedule

Global Missions Perspective: Sam Held

On Sunday, October 20, Sam Held, church member and pre-seminary student at Concordia, is going to spent some time sharing the things that he learned about the global mission field during his around the world semester last fall, as well as during his time in Hungary this past summer. In addition, this is Sam's way of thanking LoC for supporting him prayerfully and financially during these experiences. Come and learn something new about what God is doing abroad.


Oktoberfest - No Class (Oct. 27)


Faith and Politics - Nov. 3

With another presidential election looming large in front of us, and with so much division, fear, and uncertainty surrounding who will become our next president, it is important for us to spend some time discussing how our Christian faith informs and interacts with our politics. Leading this session will be the Rev. Dr. David Loy, who serves as Dean of Christ College (the school of theology, philosophy, and church vocations) at Concordia University (he and his family are also members of LoC). His PhD is in philosophy with a particular focus on political philosophy. Come and learn how our calling as Christians informs our calling as citizens. 

Save the Date! Church Trivia Night

Sunday, November 10th from 5-8 pm.

8 trivia game with great prizes.

$15 per person includes, pizza, salad, cookies and 2 drinks.

All monies raised will benefit the 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering.

Save the Date: Advent by Candlelight - December 8th

Join the women of Light of Christ Church for an Advent by Candlelight Afternoon Tea on Sunday, December th8, from 2-4:00 p.m. More info to come.

Adult Ed. Survey

We'd like to have your feedback regarding studies of interest for Sunday morning adult education. Therefore, we developed the below online survey for you to take. The survey is not very long and should not take up more than five minutes of your time. Thank you in advance for your participation.


Building Campaign Announcement:

Thanks to all who came to the Thy Will Be Done Lunch Launch of the $6.5 million building campaign! You are invited to sign up for a home visit with members of the building committee. Why do a home visit? I’m glad you asked. We can discuss giving options, gift designations, ways to gift assets, legacy giving, and answer general building questions. Sign up by emailing Eric at the church office: (churchoffice.loc@gmail.com) Then you will be contacted by Mark Siekmann to schedule your visit. We look forward to the opportunity to visit with you! As always, please keep this project in your prayers. 

Matt 6:10 Thy Will be Done

Call for Mentorship

If anyone in the congregation is interested in mentoring Orange County Rescue Mission has a need for those interested. Please see below.